
Hi! Everyone!

Since I have made the announcement before, you all know I am on my business trip in Matsu now.(hopefully...)

I found talking to dweller of Matsu is quite entertaining and I have seen something very special in Matsu as well. 

Here I found almost every house has a spell paper(符) stick on the front door. These spell papers are like what you see in Zombi movie.  I have to admit these spell papers did chill me. When I walk on the street, I have to tell myself these papers are used to call for "fortune" in order to comfort me.

To some of you might realize that Matsu was a battlefront before, there were many soldiers and inhibitants killed.  I heard some people said there were many strange things which can not be explained scientifically.  In this way, it is not unusual to see some customs so-called superstitions like yellow spell paper here in Matsu.

Apart from yellow spell paper, you can see many family's backyard or frontyard are graveyard as well. Their dead ancestors were buried in their house.  Living and death share the same habitant is quite uncommon to see in Taiwan.

Since so many soldiers sacrifice their lives for us, I am awed/revered to hear all the stories, taboo or superstition about sodiers. Maybe because of its history, everywhere in Matsu gives you a chilling feeling after sunsets. Not to mention the remains of war, even the temples here awe people.  Somehow you know there is something different in the temple here which chills you and you would look at the statue of God/Godness in a very respect and revering way.  Once I entered the temple, I felt so many eyes watching me from everywhere.  This is a bit....hmm...chilly.

Apart from that, the weather changes so rapidly. It was sunny last minute but next minute the weather becomes foggy.  It chages in the blink of eyes. This is  a special feature of Matsu.  The aircraft will not come if the weather is not good.  Sometimes the bad weather could last for days, people would have to take the ship.  If the ocean waves are unstable, the ship will not depart as well. In this way, no one can enter or leave, people in Matsu are simply locked in this small island.  Oh....touch the wood, I would not want this happen to me after I mentioned it.  I want to take the plane home and hope everyone does.  Praying....

The lifestyle in Matsu for some people is a bit drab as you can imagine.  I would say the lifestyle is just like 50s in Taiwan.  People come out and talk to each other after dinner just like forty years ago in Taiwan.  One thing I found very interesting is whenever I walked down from hills, people kept staring at me in every step as I walked.  I hypnotize myself I am a super star or stunning beauty, no one can remove their eyes from me. I draw everyone's attention.  Hahahahha.....

At the end, I want to explain why I write this article in English. I am writing this in English because I want to practice English. Since I have not got any chance to write/ speak/ read/ listen English as frequent as before, I need to catch every chane to practice ENGLISH.  Otherwise I will forget what I have learnt. This is my utmost fear, well, one of the utmost fear.

A couple of days ago, I read a quote from Lance Armstrong and I would like to share it with you, my dear friends.  Hope you like it!

Quote: Pain is temporary, it may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I/ you quit, however, it lasts forever.---Lance Armstrong

Never in your life shall you give up.


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