目前分類:just murmuring.. (5)

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There is something very strange, you do not  feel/appreciate it when you have it. However, you know you are no longer the same person as you are before once you lose it. In other word, you "REGRET" it.

After you can not stand the agony and pain, you decide to retrieve what you lose/give up. You start wondering what will you pay for it.

You ask youself is it worth? Is it worth to give up what you have to exchange what you lost?

catherine341 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The weather of today is not very good. Visibility is very poor and you can hardly see anything around.

In this weather, I couldn't really do anything.

People said that I get extra holiday today with smile. In fact, many people in Taiwan said that I am here to relax instead of working.

catherine341 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I guess all of you who are reading my article would think it’s very weird to talk about new year’s resolution now.

New year’s resolution is supposed to be written at the beginning of the year.

catherine341 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

A question that I would like to ask all of you who read this article.

Do you know how to make a sentence by using these four words?

catherine341 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I guess I am not on the horns of a dilemma.

I passed the point of no return.

Once you passed the point of no return, you have no choice.

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